2015 WWE All-Star Teams

Inspired by a Mick Foley facebook post, on the last episode of 3 Count Radio, Derek and I picked the WWE All Stars for 2015. We divided it into Faces and Heels and picked 3 singles wrestlers, 1 tag team, and 1 female. Here are the teams.

3 Count Radio 006 - Beast in the East

Beast in the East the suprise WWE hit of the summer, Battleground predictions, and Mike and Derek's WWE All-Star Teams.

3 Count Radio 005 - WWE Money in the Bank 2015

Cena v Owens 2 better than the original? Dusty Rhodes tribute, World Title Ladder matches, and our new terrible Mr. Money in the Bank all discussed this week.

3 Count Radio 004 - WWE Elimination Chamber 2015

In this episode of 3 Count Radio... Mike, Derek, and Ryanne talk about what they believe was the match of the year in John Cena vs. Kevin Owens. They also recap the rest of the PPV, as well as talk about the goings on in NXT and the cluster that is TNA on Destination America.

3 Count Radio 003 - Payback 2015 and NXT Unstoppable

Mike and Derek bring in their old 3 Count Radio running buddy Brad to talk about the last few weeks in wrestling. We cover happenings on Raw and do predictions for Elimination Chamber as well as recap WWE Payback and NXT Unstoppable.

Monday, June 17, 2013

3 Count Radio Presents: Classic Headshot Radio Gamestop Prank Calls

In 3 Count Radio's Mike and Derek's old video game podcast, we concluded almost every episode with a Gamestop Prank call. Here is a collection of many of the best and (worst) of those pranks. Unlike 3CR, this video is NOT PG and does contain some explicit language. 


0:00 - 3:15 -- What Mario Game is the Best of all time?

3:15 - 6:24 -- Should I buy Rock Band or Guitar Hero 3?

6:24 - 13:25 -- What's the Name of that Game my kid wants?

13:25 - 16:14 -- I Bought Mario Galaxy and it won't let me play it. 

16:14 - 20:58 -- Cactus Jack asks for a DS Magnifier for his Mom.

20:58 - 25:35 -- Does Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 have a number of classic low to midcard mid-90s wrestlers?

25:35 - 28:56 -- What's Wii Fit and can my Overweight Mom play it?

28:56 - 35:04 -- The Rick Roll Call (Before Rick Rolling Got Popular)

35:04 - 41:44 -- Did Hayden Christensen Do his own motion capture for the Jumper Game? (With Angry Callback)

41:44 - 45:20 -- Chad Interviews Activision about Guitar Hero 3's Mono Sound

45:20 - End -- Can I hold my Eye of Judgement Tournament there?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

3 Count Radio Meets Backstage Heat!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Top 10 Reasons the Ultimate Warrior is the Scariest Wrestler of All Time

There is something unsettling about the Ultimate Warrior. Maybe it was the way he shook the ropes like a madman. Maybe it was because it sounded like all of his promos were written by Gary Busey. But mostly it was the fact that he was stone cold insane. There have been many wrestlers that were supposed to “strike fear” into the hearts of their opponents and fans … but the Ultimate Warrior did so ... and it was for reals. 


10. His facepaint was made from the pooled blood of the pig he sacrificed before every match … and food coloring.

9. Cocaine.

Was it being amped up, or trying the shake the  feeling back into his arms?
8. He was sent from God to rise to the top of professional wrestling using the worst finisher of all time.

7. His arm tassels cut off bloodflow to the “Please doesn’t hurt people” part of his brain. 

6. To This Day … He is the only man to have ever Buried Triple H, at Wrestlemania 12.

At This Exact Moment, Triple H Declaired "Never Again Good Sirs"
5. Every hairdresser he ever had went missing, as no one was allowed to know the secret of his perfectly feathered hair.

4. He would often create cyclones backstage from all the spinning during promos.

I'm shocked there hasn't been a Hurricane Ultimate Warrior Yet
3. Rick Rude was the only man ever to scare him, as his only weakness was seeing his face on another man’s crotch.

2. His mother was a bull mastiff … hence all the growling.

Say what you want about his balls ... he's the only one to have a Robin's Egg Blue WWF Title
1. Parts Unknown did not refer to his hometown, but instead the steroid-mangled mess between his legs.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Seth Rollins Moonsaults off a Fan

Who says fat dudes can't be springboards for professional wrestlers?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Top 10 Reasons The Atomic Legdrop is the Most Devastating Move In Wrestling History

No finishing move is or will ever be as amazing as Hulk Hogan's "Atomic Leg Drop.”

 We all know the formula … Punch Hogan in the face … Hogan shakes his head and points his finger at you … Hogan hulks up and hits you with the big boot … and then lands the most devastating move in wrestling history to pin you for a 3-count.

How can a simple leg drop be so effective you ask? Well … Hulk Hogan has a few trade secrets that helps make this move so incredible. I smell a Top 10 list…

I Know this is an old list ... but what better way to kick off a new section of 3countradio.com than with a classic!

Top 10 Reasons The Atomic Leg Drop is the Most Devastating Move in Wrestling History

10. He hasn’t washed the back of his right knee in 30 years.

9. It has the power of two men, as Brutus the Barber Beefcake was absorbed into the leg after a particularly brutal botch in ’88.

8. The sweat dripping off the leg is 85% steroid, leading to instant testicle shrinkage upon contact.

7. If you BELIEVE in the leg-drop … the 3 count will come

6. The Big Boot before the leg drop is placed in the exact spot on the face that causes a man to job to a leg drop.

5. He had his knee cap coated with lead from the same place where Lex Lugar got the steel plate for his forearm.

4. Hulkamania is an actual medical condition of mass hysteria where an arena full of people are convinced the maneuver is “epic.”

3. Hogan’s knee is full of so much surgical metal it reacts magnetically with the iron in your blood, forcing your shoulders to the mat for exactly 3 seconds.

2. Two Words: Cankle Torque.

1. Upon landing the Leg Drop ... Hogan inadvertently leaks out the "Dusty Old Man Fart" he had been holding in all match.