Saturday, June 8, 2013

Top 10 Reasons the Ultimate Warrior is the Scariest Wrestler of All Time

There is something unsettling about the Ultimate Warrior. Maybe it was the way he shook the ropes like a madman. Maybe it was because it sounded like all of his promos were written by Gary Busey. But mostly it was the fact that he was stone cold insane. There have been many wrestlers that were supposed to “strike fear” into the hearts of their opponents and fans … but the Ultimate Warrior did so ... and it was for reals. 


10. His facepaint was made from the pooled blood of the pig he sacrificed before every match … and food coloring.

9. Cocaine.

Was it being amped up, or trying the shake the  feeling back into his arms?
8. He was sent from God to rise to the top of professional wrestling using the worst finisher of all time.

7. His arm tassels cut off bloodflow to the “Please doesn’t hurt people” part of his brain. 

6. To This Day … He is the only man to have ever Buried Triple H, at Wrestlemania 12.

At This Exact Moment, Triple H Declaired "Never Again Good Sirs"
5. Every hairdresser he ever had went missing, as no one was allowed to know the secret of his perfectly feathered hair.

4. He would often create cyclones backstage from all the spinning during promos.

I'm shocked there hasn't been a Hurricane Ultimate Warrior Yet
3. Rick Rude was the only man ever to scare him, as his only weakness was seeing his face on another man’s crotch.

2. His mother was a bull mastiff … hence all the growling.

Say what you want about his balls ... he's the only one to have a Robin's Egg Blue WWF Title
1. Parts Unknown did not refer to his hometown, but instead the steroid-mangled mess between his legs.

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